This picture is of the Dark Side Glades. I thought this was a pretty cool name for glades. These are on the north side of the mountain in the High Peaks area. Once you are there you can ride the old school High Peaks double. I believe this area of the mountain is only open when there is plenty of snow and now I understand why. This side of the mountain has some steep, rocky areas. Also, I don't think there is much snowmaking over here since it's kinda off the beaten path, but that's the way I like it.
The Dark Side glades are actually between Hullabaloo and Lower Steilhang, the former a single black and the latter a double black, so that gives you an idea of what the terrain is like in there. Here are some nice little drops I found and actually hit both of them! Not as bad as I thought it would be. Snow was soft since Gore had gotten 20" the past week, plus I was confident I could do it. It was very tight in there, so I had to hit the brakes as soon as I landed. Best part was I landed square and on balance, then stopped. Here is another pic. This was my favorite part of the day.
Sleighride and Showcase were in good shape. As was Lies, a very steep trail. Last run of the day was in the Chatiemac Glades. I wasn't expecting much, but this was a nice open glade. Next big snowfall I will definitely hit these early. I would think they get skied off quick since it is off a popular trail and easily accessible.
That's it for this time.