An interesting day. Woke up Sunday morning at 6:30 and was initially not going to go. Texted Deb to tell Greg I wasn't going. Went back to sleep and woke up around 8 feeling much better. Packed up real quick and headed up.
Wouldn't you know it, I found a spot in the top lot at 9:45 on a Sunday morning! I was at the gondi by 10 and I thought for sure I would run into Tim and Greg there cause I knew they got there early and this is usually the time we take a quick break. No dice.
Headed up gondi. Rode Pine Knot down to summit chair. Checked the hut on top, no dice there either, however there were bootprints all around. I felt like Mantracker trying to find these guys. Normally I'll take Lies or Open Pit back to chair but today I took Cloud to Headwaters. Hadn't been on that in forever. It was nice and chill. Paused at the the summit chair to look for the guys, no dice here either! Cruised Tannery which I remember being totally empty and just so-so condition. Waited again at Bear Mt summit, no luck again, so down Foxlair -> Sunway -> 3B. Nice run. Adk Express to Sleeping Bear which was also ok conditions. One more run on lower mountain, Sleighride -> Wild Air, then done cause I knew the guys had to leave early today.
Now it's 12:20 and I would have bet my life I'd find them in the bar... sure enough, they were half way done with their first beers already! Come to find out I was right on their tails all day long, I took the same lift order all day, I could just never catch up to them. Turns out they lapped Hullabaloo towards the end of their day. The only chair I didnt check and from i read later, the best place on the mountain that day. Guess ya win some and ya lose some!
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