Ski Days 6 and 7.
Went and visited my old pal Chris up in Jay VT. Left Friday night and arrived around 11:30, there's just no getting around the 4 hr drive. The rental house this year is sick! Brand new, got my own bedroom with a self inflating air mattress which is an awesome setup when you're a guest.
Saturday morning no rush to get to mountain. On the Bonnie around 10. Sun warmed things up a bit by then. Conditions were frozen granular/packed powder which loosened up thru the day with traffic. So by midday there was some powdery build up on the trail with some patchy spots. Rode down to the Flyer lift, also known as The Freezer -

Me and Vommie went over to Beaver Pond. They were in good shape, plenty of base just in need of another storm. There was some crusty powder sections that I enjoyed. Compared to Gore standards this was good, compared to Jay standards this was less than optimal. They usually have at least a few inches of fresh on the ground. January thaw even hits up here i guess. Met Chris and Eric at Flyer again and did Beaver Pond again with those guys.

More of the same on the second run thru. I really enjoyed these tree runs. Even without fresh powder they are fun. Did some other runs then down to car for Chris to switch off Randy's board back to his custom.

Went up Jet next and met up with one of the housemates Pablo. Went down Timbuk glades, outer Timbuk glades and the Corona Highway several times. These were similar in condition to the Beaver Pond glades. Did a few more cruisers and Vommie and I called it a day. Waited for Chris and Eric to do a few more runs then had a few beers. First stop was the IR lounge i think it was called. It was beat! Second beer at the brand new bar. It was hoppin! Kinda crowded so we had a round of Margaritas at the JVI while playing a very bad game of pool. Had a fun bonfire Saturday night. Chris provided the entertainment -

Slept in late Sunday morning and got on the Flyer with Chris around 11. Went over to Andres. It was a bit better than Beaver Pond yesterday due to less traffic farther out. I think we did it twice then met the other guys across the way at Jet. Crossed over to middle mountain area and rode Hell's Woods. These are one of my favorite glades here. Short but nicely spaced. Grabbed a beer outside in front of new bar. Place was packed at 1pm. The other guys called it a day and Chris and I did 2 more runs, first was Expo glade followed by Everglade I believe. I'm glad we went back up as these turned out to be two of the best runs all weekend! Expo was good and Everglade was a ton of fun! Into the bar for a few cold ones and hot wings to finish off a great weekend!