Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Whiteface 01-09-2010

Made record time today to the Face. We were boarding the gondi just before 9am, no small feat. It was very cold today, def single digits with a frigid windchill. We really should have gotten dressed inside, my hands were numb from tying my boots and needed to run them under hot water for 5 minutes to get feeling back before heading up the hill.

Today it was Greg, Tim and I. Tim was out the night before. He was running on 3 hours sleep and was still drunk i think. He outrode both me and Greg. Dude is a good rider. 'Rode hardboots for 15 years'. Anyway, did some warmup laps on the gondi. Conditions were very good, despite the cold. Not much ice at all, mostly firm packed powder. It was very fast. Eventually we went to the summit as they were blowing tons of snow on Upper Northway, a long, straight, steep diamond. This was easily the best run of the day. The man made snow was perfect. There was a few inches of fine grain powder which was just a dream to ride. No worries of ice of sliding out. Perfect. Somehow we only did it once though, can't let that happen again.

Went in for lunch around 11. I brought basically the best liverwurst sandwiches ever made. Thick slice 'wurst, thick slice meunster, with a slice of raw onion, deli mustard, all on a mastrionni onion roll. None of spoke the entire time. Just ate. Afterwards the boys gave me props. It was metal.

After lunch went up the Lookout chair. Took Wilmington trail to the new Sugar Valley Glades and had a spin on them. Not too bad really. Could definitely use more snow, but they were cut nice and had a good pitch too. Looking forward to riding them with more snow.

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